Add To Your WishlistPersonalised Foliage Wedding Planner

Add To Your WishlistPersonalised Foliage Wedding Planner

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Personalised Foliage Wedding Planner

  • Description

    Sku: 223300130000

    This stylish A5 foliage wedding planner is all that you need to get organised for your special day from checklists, to guest lists, mood boards and the menu to name but a few. 

    The front of the notebook can be personalised with their names above the fixed text ‘ ‘s Wedding Planner’. The personalisation will appear in uppercase as standard.

    Your text will be printed exactly as you have entered it, so please double check spelling, punctuation and capitalisation.

    Not all accents and symbols can be printed. Here are the special characters we support:

    ÂÁÀÄÃÅÆÇÈÉËÊÌÏÎÍÓÒÖÔÕØŒÙÛÚÜÑÝŸŽßàäâãâáåæçèëêéíìïîñòóöôõøœóúüùûýÿž1234567890\'”@ ?;:,.!-&

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