Add To Your WishlistCloud Milestone Cards in Personalised Keepsake Bag

Add To Your WishlistCloud Milestone Cards in Personalised Keepsake Bag

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Cloud Milestone Cards in Personalised Keepsake Bag

  • Description

    What a great way to document your baby's every move with these milestone cards. Each card has a water colour feature cloud design and celebrates everything from one week to the very first word.

    These moments can be captured on camera with the baby and card before sharing those moments with your friends and family.

    Presented in a cotton bag which is personalised with their name on it. Fixed text has " Welcome to the World". 

    12 cards from 1 week old to 12 weeks old / 9 cards from 4 months old to 12 months old / First Word / First steps / Slept through the night / First Roll / First Bath / First Smile / Sat up alone / First Crawl / First Stand / Ate Solid Food / First Tooth. Dimensions: 17cm x 12cm.  

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